The tribal government of the Jamul Indian Village will conserve tribal property, develop community resources, administer justice and build a legacy of economic self-reliance for our tribal members and future generations. Visit Site
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O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more! Visit Site
Sycuan recognizes the future of Sycuan’s social and economic advancement depends on promoting education of Sycuan’s future leaders. Education is important for the revitalization, retention, and maintenance of traditional knowledge that was passed to Sycuan through ancestors. Sycuan recognizes the crucial role of Indigenous knowledge as an integral part of Nation building in the present
The NVIT Mission: To provide quality Aboriginal education and support services appropriate to student success and community development.To carry out this mission NVIT will contribute the following outcomes (subject to available resources). A comprehensive range of courses and programs relevant to Aboriginal communities, including the broad areas of: Adult basic education Vocational/trades/apprenticeship Career/technical Academic/university transfer
The Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation is a great place to learn more about the Kumeyaay Nation, they provided interesting and detailed information on the History and Heritage of the of The Kumeyaay Nation and Sycaun Band of Kumeyaay Nation. Visit Site
The medical and dental staff of the Santa Ynez Tribal Health Clinic would like to extend a warm welcome to all members of the Santa Ynez Valley and Santa Barbara County communities. We specialize in the highest standards of quality health care through modern medicine and ancient tradition. Our comprehensive medical and dental services are
The American Indian faculty members of the College of Arts and Sciences proposed to create the Institute for American Indian Research (IfAIR) within the College of Arts and Sciences in Fall 2004. In its history, the University of New Mexico has had a long and complicated relationship with American Indian nations and people, one in
The Holocaust Remembrance Project is a national essay contest for high school students designed to encourage and promote the study of the Holocaust. The Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation recognizes the moral imperative of teaching young people about this watershed event, and is honored to provide the resources for the operation of this project. First-place
“In order to thrive, we need to be healthy, have a good education and be part of a strong and supportive community and culture.” For 89 years, AAIA has been working to promote these goals and to provide the critical elements that Native American Indian children and families need to live happy, healthy and productive
The Department of Ethnic Studies (ES) encourages the comparative study of racialization in the Americas, with a focus on the histories, literatures, and politics of Asian Americans, Chicanos/Latinos, Native American Indians, and African Americans. ES seeks to situate these core groups within national and transnational contexts, and to understand how racial and ethnic formation articulate